Kinder- & Jugendärzte im Netz

Ihre Haus- und Fachärzte von der Geburt bis zum vollendeten 18. Lebensjahr


Praxis für Kinderheilkunde-Jugendmedizin - Guido Klughardt & Gert Mathias Pinkall -Reiseimpfzentrum und Gelbfieberimpfstelle Jülich-

Travel health clinic - Travel vaccinations

We are  a travel health clinic offering consultations and immunizations that will help you and your family to avoid common illnesses during your trip abroad. We can also help with catch-up vaccines and shots that protect you from  illnesses that you might be exposed to during day-to-day life in Germany

We provide the full range of travel shots and we can also offer malaria prophylaxis. Our Office is a designated yellow fever vaccination centre by the german government in NRW, so we can provide you with a yellow fever certificate.

We will ask you about your travel plans and circumstances. We can assure you that your consultation is completely confidential. We will use this information to assess what risks you may be exposed to while you are travelling. Then we will recommend travel vaccines or/and malaria prophylaxis as required.

Our travel clinic is set up so that we can advise you and administer vaccinations in the same visit. You may need to return for follow-up doses of some vaccines, for example, rabies vaccination is given in two or three doses.

What should You bring to your travel health appointment?

It would be helpful to bring any travel vaccination certificates you already have (even if they are very old) and any vaccination records. We want details of where you plan to go, when you are travelling and how long you are travelling.We like to know  what activities you have planned on your trip and if you visit friends and relatives living overseas.. This informations helps us to make  vaccine recommendations.

We can provide the full range of normal travel shots and travel health certificates at our office. We can also provide catch-up shots.

Travel vaccinations

The range of travel shots we can administer includes:

  • Cholera (This is not often necessary)
  • Dengue
  • Diphtheria (often combined with Tetanus,Pertussis,Polio so you can save shots)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B ( A&B in combination is although possible)
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Meningococcal meningitis
  • Polio
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus
  • Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)
  • Typhoid fever
  • Yellow fever.
  • Sars-CoV-2 /Corona /Covid-19-Vaccination                               


Travel health certificates

Some countries will not let you in unless you can prove your immunity to certain diseases. In particular, yellow fever and meningococcal meningitis. At your consultation your travel health doctor will tell you whether you need any certificates for your trip abroad. Entry requirements change all the time, but our travel health advisers have access to reliable and up-to-date information so they will give you guidance.

Our office is a designated yellow fever centre, so we can vaccinate you against yellow fever and give you a certificate (ICVP) to prove you are immune to this mosquito-borne disease. We can also vaccinate you against meningococcal meningitis and provide a certificate (if you are travelling to Saudi Arabia).Very important 2020 : Polio vaccination certificate if you are going to Nigeria and Pakistan. Required when you want to leave the country returning to Europe.

Catch-up shots

We can also organize catch-up shots if you need protecting from illnesses normally covered by the german vaccine schedule. For example

German routine vaccinations

  • diphtheria
  • measels (very import at the moment due to WHO)
  • measles-mumps-rubella (MMR)
  • pertussis (whooping cough)
  • tetanus

Most of the costs of the vaccines (even for the travel shots) are covered through the german health insurance companies. The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) and the BarmerEK even allow us to  make a prescription of anti-malaria drugs as prophylaxis. So you dont have to pay much.

Please contact us for details.


Gert Mathias Pinkall

Travel Health Specialist

Member of the German Society of Travel Medicine (FRM)

Member of the German Society of Tropical Medicine (DTG)

Member of the International Society of Travel Medicine,Atlanta USA (ISTM)

Member of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,London (RSTMH)

-"Please vaccinate the ones you love"-


(GP 24-1212)

Feel free to contact us in English




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